We are pleased to announce an update to the way our patients can request appointments and other healthcare-related items. On 23rd January 2025 we will be introducing a new triage system called Anima, completely replacing eConsult.
Anima seamlessly and confidentially integrates with your medical record bringing improvements to how you request appointments and how our staff assess your condition.
Anima allows our team to continue to improve access times by helping us to direct you to the most appropriate care for your medical and administrative needs. This ensures we make use of our limited resources in the most safe and efficient way. All appointments will continue to be offered according to clinical urgency and need. By using this triage system, it means that patients will be managed more equitably and effectively, connecting our patients efficiently to the right person for the right service.
For patients who meet any of the criteria below, please be reassured you can still call the surgery on 01359 240298, option 2 where one of our Reception team will be able to assist you:
- If you do not have access to the internet, or struggle using it;
- If you have a language barrier;
- If you have a disability;
- If you are in mental health crisis;
- If you are neurodivergent.
How to Prepare
In preparation for launch we recommend you get ahead by setting up your account. Please click here to do so.
The YouTube videos below provide helpful step-by-step guides.
We will be releasing more information on the transition from eConsult to Anima over the coming weeks. This may be via text message, social media or the website.